Monday, May 6, 2024

Fall 2023 and Spring 2024 JDM graduates celebrated

On Saturday May 4th, Ashland University held its combined 2023-2024 graduation in the Niss Center. The department celebrates the contributions and careers of these awesome media students: DMP major Claudia Adcock, DMJ major Zoe Bogarty, DMJ major Brayden Creveling, DMP major William Currier, DMP major Kyle Doershuk, DMP major Gage Eldridge, DMP major Seth Ho, DMP major Eleanor Lohr, DMP major Anthony Marchetta, DMP major Austin Michel, DMJ/DMP double major Sean Repuyan, DMP major Bryce Shafer, DMP major Jonathan Shilling and DMP major Kylie Van Dine. Congratulations!!!!

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