Welcome to the online home of Ashland University's Journalism & Digital Media department; A BLOG CONVERGED!! Here you can keep up on the latest happenings inside AU's student-powered Print, Radio and TV media outlets, read The Collegian, watch videos, connect with fellow Eagles and much more! Keep it tuned right here for updates!
Wednesday, December 22, 2021
JDM celebrates December 2021 graduates
Nine Journalism and Digital Media majors received their degrees at the December 18th Ashland University Winter Commencement. This number reflects the most December graduates in the ten year history of the department. We wish them good luck in their future media careers. Here are the graduates and their majors:
Mackenzie Cook, Digital Media Production
Adie Goodyear, Digital Media Production
Katie Helenthal, Digital Media Production
Evan Laux, Digital Media Journalism
Dean Paolucci, Digital Media Journalism
Alexis Portner, Digital Media Production
Mason Savoia, Digital Media Production
Grace Scarberry, Digital Media Journalism
Will Taylor, Digital Media Production
Wednesday, October 6, 2021
Anna Bielawski debuts as AUTV 20 News Break anchor
Ashland University first-year student Anna Bielawski is now an anchor for the weekly Friday version of AUTV 20's award-winning News Break program. You can watch Anna's first newscast here.
Tuesday, October 5, 2021
Mackenzie Pflum's first AUTV 20 Sports Break
Junior Digital Media Journalism major and recent transfer to Ashland University Mackenzie Pflum has hit the ground running at JDM. She has written several sports articles for The Collegian newspaper, hosted the Bally Sports Great Lakes and AUTV 20 sports halftime shows and served as the sideline reporter for the BSGL/AUTV 20 game telecasts. Now, you can watch her anchor the Friday Sports Break shows on AUTV 20.
Adie Goodyear anchors her first AUTV 20 News Break
Senior Digital Media Production major Adie Goodyear is no stranger to AUTV 20 programs. Adie has been the television Production Manager for the past two years and she often directs the News Break and Sports Break shows and the Eagle's Eye public affairs series. Now, she takes a turn at anchoring the Monday AUTV 20 News Break programs. Please enjoy her first show as a television anchor.
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
Ethan Jenkins debuts as anchor on AUTV 20 News Break
First year Digital Media Journalism major Ethan Jenkins anchored his first AUTV 20 News Break show on Wednesday September 29th. Ethan discussed both local and national events in his telecast. He will alternate on the anchor desk each Wednesday with fellow first year DMJ major Katelin Meeks. Good luck to Ethan and Katelin.
Tuesday, September 28, 2021
Claudia Adcock anchors her first AUTV 20 News Break show
First year Digital Media Production major Claudia Adcock anchored the AUTV 20 News Break program on Monday September 27th. Claudia, who hails from Orrville, Ohio and is a member of the Ashland University Tennis team, looks forward to anchoring these newscasts and getting involved in the production of other AUTV 20 shows.
Monday, September 6, 2021
Waylon O'Donnell new Program Director at 104.5 WQKT
Digital Media Production alum Waylon O'Donnell always loved radio and country music. As a country music performer and radio personality, Waylon has the perfect background to succeed in this genre. All of his hard work has now come to fruition, as he was recently named the Program Director at Sports Country WQKT radio in Wooster, Ohio. Best of luck to Waylon on this exciting moment in his professional career.
Friday, August 27, 2021
Derek Wood is the new Professional Instructor of JDM
Derek Wood is the new Professional Instructor of Journalism and Digital Media at Ashland University. Derek is currently the General Manager of 88.9 WRDL, Ashland University's award-winning, student-run radio station. At one time, Derek was the youngest FM radio General Manager in the country. Derek will be assigned to teach audio and radio courses at JDM. More importantly, he will lead the sports media expansion that the department is initiating. He holds an M.A. in Journalism and Mass Communication from Kent State University and a B.A. in Digital Media Journalism and Sport Communication from Ashland University.
His professional experience includes audio production, podcasting, on-air announcing, sports broadcasting and sports media producing. He is the producer of a nationally-recognized podcast and his work in sports broadcasting has garnered a national first place award. Welcome to the faculty, Derek.
Journalism veteran new faculty advisor for The Collegian
It is not often when a highly-decorated and experienced journalist is avaialble to fill the important role to be both a mentor and instructor for budding journalists. However, JDM was fortunate that one was close at hand.
Ted Daniels will be the new faculty advisor for The Collegian newspaper this year. Ted's career as a journalist spanned the transition of the newspaper industry from exclusively print to a multi-platform digital environment. He has been the managing editor of the Ashland Times-Gazette, the Wooster Daily Record and the Mansfield News Journal Media. Before these jobs, Ted worked at the Indianapolis Star for 23 years, serving in a variety of senior editing positions, including managing editor. The Star won numerous national awards during that period, including a Pulitzer Prize in 1991.
Saturday, August 7, 2021
Eagles Eye: JDM Senior Chante Rutherford
May 2021 graduate and Digital Media Production major Chante Rutherford was a multi-media star at Ashland University. She was the Station Manager of AUTV 20 and hosted the Early Bird's Word morning show on 88.9 WRDL. She wrote for The Collegian newspaper and created stories for AU-Live.
Thursday, August 5, 2021
Caleb Johnson is Associate Producer at WGTE Public Media
May 2020 graduate and Digital Media Production major Caleb Johnson is a man of many abilities. A former Ashland University football player and excellent camera operator for both AUTV 20 and Sports Time Ohio telecasts, Caleb is now an Associate Producer of Public Media at his hometown of Toledo's public television station WGTE. He interned at WGTE before his senior year at AU. Caleb so inpressed the management that he was hired full-time in his current position. Best of luck to this talented and creative producer.
Wednesday, July 7, 2021
Eagles Eye: JDM Senior Avaerie Fitzgerald
It is not often when you have a full-time dream job before you graduate. May 2021 Digital Media Journalism graduate Avaerie Fitzgerald is now working in Ohio Govenor Mike DeWine's office. But before she got the job, Avaerie sat down with AUTV 20 Eagle's Eye host Gracie Wilson to talk abour her four years at Ashland University.
Tuesday, July 6, 2021
Chris Martucci is new sports reporter for Orange Observer
2019 Ashland University Digital Media Journalism graduate Chris Martucci is pursuing a life-long dream. Chris recently received an M.A. degree from the University of Missouri's famed journalism program. Now, he will be working as a sports reporter for the Orange Observer newspaper and website in the Orlando and Winter Garden area in Florida. Orlando is one of the fastest growing media markets in the United States. The experience Chris received covering sports for The Collegian, AU-live and AUTV 20, as well as his DJ shift with 88.9 WRDL, greatly assisted his formation as a daily sports reporter/multimedia journalist. Good luck to Chris.
Monday, July 5, 2021
JDM founders visit the new facilities
It took hundreds of years to build the Roman Empire. The creation and operation of the Journalism and Digital Media department at Ashland University was less of a time task, a scant ten years. But during that time the efforts of the founding faculty and staff of the program have not been forgotten. The vision of Gretchen Dworznik, Matt Tullis, John Skrada and Tim McCarty paved the way for hundreds of Digital Media Journalism and Digital Media Production majors to learn modern media fundamentals in a new, converged manner. The addition of Dave McCoy and Steve Suess formed the classic team that elevated those foundations. In the ensuing years, many of the founders have moved to other academic venues; yet, they all remain deeply attached to JDM. Here are some photos taken at a July 5th, 2021 reunion.
Sunday, June 27, 2021
Ashland RTV alumni tour JDM media facilities
On a day dedicated to the Larry Hiner Celebration of Life, many Radio/Television alumni took the time to tour the state-of-the-art media facilites in the Journalism and Digital Media department. JDM faculty/staff members John Skrada, Derek Wood and Dr. Dave McCoy described the mission of the current program and the link to the excellent path created by Mr. Hiner, Mr. Pappas and Dr. Leidy. The alumni were impressed, as they recalled various stories of their own experiences in the television and radio studios. Dr. McCoy expressed that "the bonds of the two eras strengthed today and JDM values the expertise and insight from our fantastic alumni." Plans are now formulated for another JDM Open House to be held during the Fall 2021 Ashland University Homecoming weekend.
Wednesday, June 23, 2021
Incoming JDM majors attend AU Orientation Day
One of the best times of the year is the sequence of on-campus Ashland University Orientation Days. Missing last year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, June Orientation Days are a fantastic way for students and parents to acquaint themselves with both the university and the chosen major. The Journalism and Digital Media department is very pleased with the turnout for this year's events. JDM will welcome 20 new first-year and 3 transfer students to the program this fall (and the number keeps growing during the summer). In the ten year history of the department, these numbers reflect the largest amount of new students entering the program. Congratulations to our newest majors and we cannot wait until the Fall 2021 semester begins!
Thursday, May 6, 2021
Avaerie Fitzgerald lands media job with the Governor of Ohio
Just a few days before the Spring 2021 Ashland University Commencement, Avaerie Fitzgerald, a senior Digital Media Journalism major and Managing Editor of The Collegian, was notified that she obtained a fantastic job in Columbus, Ohio. She shared a description of this position with A Blog Converged. Avaerie writes that "I accepted a job working as Press Assistant for the Governor of Ohio, Mike DeWine. I'll be working under the press secretary, Dan Tierney, to work on press releases, press conferences, events, and more. One of the larger responsibilities I have is monitoring the news using a special program and sending those news updates to the Governor." Avaerie adds that "I'm ecstatic for the opportunity to show the skills that I have developed at AU, especially the multimedia skills I have acquired through working on JDM classes and co-curricular media, such as The Collegian, AUTV 20, AU-Live and WRDL."
Best of luck to Avaerie!!!
Wednesday, April 21, 2021
Eagles Eye: JDM Senior Jordann Lopata
Senior Digital Media Journalism major Jordann Lopata is a both an outstanding media student and an athlete. She is the Sports Editor of The Collegian and a Sports Anchor on AUTV 20. She is an original member of Ashland University's Women's Lacross team. Next year, Jordann will enter graduate school as a Business Marketing major.
In this special Eagle's Eye, Jordann shares her experiences with AUTV 20 host Evan Laux.
Monday, April 19, 2021
Bella Pacinelli and Carrie Smith are academic honorees
Two outstanding Journalism and Digital Media students were feted at the April 18th Ashland University Academic Honors Convocation. Bella Pacinelli, a senior Digital Media Journalism major, and Carrie Smith, a junior Digital Media Production major, were celebrated for their stellar GPAs and their award-winning work on JDM co-curricular media. Bella, who will graduate this May, has secured a full-time marketing manager job at Spire Advertising. Carrie will return to AU this Fall and serve as the General Manager of AUTV 20 and the Promotions Director for 88.9 WRDL radio. A Blog Converged and the JDM department salute both of them for their excellent academic scholarship.
Wednesday, April 14, 2021
Eagles Eye: JDM Senior Isabella Pacinelli
In this special episode of the AUTV 20 Eagle's Eye show, host Niko Scarlatos sits down with senior Digital Media Journalism major Isabella Pacinelli to discuss her experiences at Ashland University, writing for The Collegian newspaper and her future career aspirations.
Eagles Eye: JDM Senior Cassidy Tolliver
In a special AUTV 20 Eagle's Eye show, host Niko Scarlatos chats with senior Digital Media Production major Cassidy Tolliver about her experiences at Ashland University and her career path.
Friday, March 26, 2021
Eagles Eye: JDM Senior Mason Savoia
Eagle's Eye host, 88.9 WRDL personality and AU-Live Managing Editor Gracie Wilson is a very busy person. However, Gracie had enough time in her hectic schedule to interview Digital Media Production major and senior Mason Savoia, Mason, too, leads a full life. As a Creative Writing minor, he has written both prose and poetry and plans on crafting a novel. Ballet is an interest that recently caught his heart and given him many enjoyable hours with dance and friends.
Eagle's Eye can be seen on the AUTV 20 YouTube Channel and on Armstrong Cable Channel 20 in Ashland county.
Eagles Eye: JDM Senior Interview with Dave Tomlinson
Eagle's Eye host and 88.9 WRDL personality Katie Harrigan took a few minutes to chat with Digital Media Production major and Senior Dave Tomlinson. Dave is a man of many talents. He hails from Parma, Ohio and he sings in the AU Choir. He is a very good actor who has appeared in numerous AU Theatre plays and musicals, including the recently streamed "Theory of Relativity" in which Katie also starred.
Eagle's Eye can seen on the AUTV 20 YouTube Channel and on Armstrong Cable Channel 20 in Ashland county.
The Main Street Show: Ashland Mayor Matt Miller
AUTV 20 news anchor Will Taylor sat down with Ashland Mayor Matt Miller for this episode of The Mainstreet Show. Mayor Miller shared exciting news about upcoming projects that will enhance the cityscape. He also delved into his background and explained the role of a city mayor.
Thursday, March 11, 2021
WRDL broadcasters will call AU Men's Basketball regional game
Veteran 88.9 WRDL sportscasters Niko Scarlatos and Dean Paolucci will call the Saturday March 13 AU Men's Basketball NCAA Regional game. The 7 pm tip off will feature the Eagles facing Wayne State in Evansville, Indiana. Engineering the remote broadcast will be Journalism and Digital Media Director of Broadcasting and Operations John Skrada. Catch the pre-game show at 6:45 pm. You can hear 88.9 WRDL over the air or on the live stream at wrdlfm.com.
Monday, March 8, 2021
AUTV 20 and WRDL both win first place national media awards
At the Saturday March 6th Intercollegiate Broadcasting System conference in New York City, Ashland University Department of Journalism and Digital Media co-curricular media outlets AUTV 20 and 88.9 WRDL won national First Place awards. These honors, according to JDM department chair and faculty advisor Dr. Dave McCoy, are "noteworthy, humbling and a tribute to the fantastic work of our students and staff during a very difficult year."
88.9 WRDL won its award for Best Use of Video in the Radio Studio for its promotional video on the launch of the renovated WRDL radio studio. AUTV 20 was selected for Best TV Talk Program for its Eagle's Eye public affairs interview show. Thanks go out to John Skrada (the producer of the WRDL video), Derek Wood (WRDL General Manager) and AUTV 20 student producers Christine Jenkinson, Evan Laux, Brooke Young, Chante Rutherford, Carrie Smith, Nate Powalie and Adie Goodyear.
Ashland University's JDM electronic media stations were the only Ohio college media stations to win First Place awards in this year's IBS national competition.
Friday, March 5, 2021
The Main Street Show debuts on AUTV20
JDM 213 Professional Practice: Television students wanted a challenge in the Spring 2021 semester. While producing the award-winning Eagle's Eye public affairs program for AUTV 20, they felt that a new show aimed at the Ashland community was long overdue. Therefore, they created The Mainstreet Show, which debuted on Friday March 5th.
This inaugural episode was hosted by AU-Live Managing Editor Gracie Wilson and directed by AUTV 20 Production Manager Adie Goodyear. This program featured an interview with Carolina Amparo from The Ashland Center for Civic Life. The next episode of The Mainstreet Show will feature an interview with Ashland Mayor Matt Miller.
Monday, February 15, 2021
AUTV 20 is finalist for Intercollegiate Broadcasting System award
AUTV 20, the campus and community television station operated by the Journalism and Digital Media department, is once again in the running for a national college media award. This time, AUTV 20's Eagle's Eye public affairs show is listed a one of five finalists for the Best TV Talk Program in college television by the Intercollegiate Broadcasting System.
The station has won numerous Finalist Awards from IBS in the past, including a First Place Award in 2018. Faculty Advisor Dr. Dave McCoy terms this consistent high-quality showing "as clearly reflective of the hard work and creative efforts" of the JDM students who work for AUTV 20.
The winners in each category will be honored with a ceremony in New York in March. Good luck to AUTV 20!
Friday, February 12, 2021
JDM students are IBS award finalists
WRDL 88.9 FM has a long history of broadcasting success. The station serves a wide coverage area and prepares Journalism and Digital Media students for impactful careers in radio. The station is a multi-award winning Intercollegiate Broadcasting System honoree for the past half decade. This year is no exception.
WRDL and its students garnered finalist awards in five different categories in the 2020-21 national collegiate competition.
The finalists include:
Best Public Affairs Program (Top 5)---WRDL Staff
Best Documentary (Top 6)---Invasion of Lake Erie - Aaron Lazar
Best Newscast (Top 7)---News in 90 Seconds - Dean Paolucci and Glenn Rausch
Best Use of Social Media (Top 8)----Adie Goodyear and Carrie Smith
Best Use of Video in a Radio Studio (Top 6)---The New 88.9 WRDL -WRDL Staff
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