Monday, July 15, 2024

2024 JDM Digital Media Creation Camp

On Monday July 8th, nine participants gained valuable knowledge about media when they attended the first JDM Digital Media Creation Camp. The students ranged from 6th graders to incoming Ashland University freshmen. Led by instructors Derek Wood and John Skrada, camp attendees created both audio and video projects. Plans are underway, with the support from co-sponsor AU Admissions, to hold a second camp in Fall 2024.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

JDM Alumni on the move

From time to time it is good to catch up on the careers of the Ashland University Journalism and Digital Media graduates. Many of them are changing jobs and moving up in the media profession. A great number of these dedicated people work in corporate media, which is a growing sector of occupations available to those with journalism and digital media production skill sets. Here is an update: Martina Baca, Digital Communication Manager, TeamViewer---- Danyelle Kupfer, Digital Media Manager, Sherwin Williams Company---- Evan Laux, Manager of Content Creation, Greater Akron Chamber of Commerce----- Hope (Miracle) Villars, Digital Marketing Director, Lifepoint Church

Monday, May 6, 2024

Fall 2023 and Spring 2024 JDM graduates celebrated

On Saturday May 4th, Ashland University held its combined 2023-2024 graduation in the Niss Center. The department celebrates the contributions and careers of these awesome media students: DMP major Claudia Adcock, DMJ major Zoe Bogarty, DMJ major Brayden Creveling, DMP major William Currier, DMP major Kyle Doershuk, DMP major Gage Eldridge, DMP major Seth Ho, DMP major Eleanor Lohr, DMP major Anthony Marchetta, DMP major Austin Michel, DMJ/DMP double major Sean Repuyan, DMP major Bryce Shafer, DMP major Jonathan Shilling and DMP major Kylie Van Dine. Congratulations!!!!

Friday, May 3, 2024

JDM Student Media Awards 2024

At the Spring 2024 Journalism and Digital Media department banquet, numerous students were given awards for their work on the JDM co-curricular media organizations (AUTV, The Collegian, WRDL). Here are the honorees: AUTV Faculty Advisor Award Ethan Jenkins Senior Award Will Currier Contributor Award Joe Monteith Newcomer Award Miles Irvin.......The Collegian Faculty Advisor Award Katelyn Meeks Senior Award Taelyn King Contributor Award Brynn Meisse and Brittany Wachtel Newcomer Award Dashia Johnson.......WRDL Faculty Advisor Award Cade Cracas Senior Award Kyle Doershuk Contributor Award Brynn Meisse Newcomer Award Payton Whaley......

Thursday, May 2, 2024

AU Organ Musician Package

This video tells the story of Robert, who is the new organ musician with Ashland University. It was produced by senior Digital Media Production major Ellie Lohr, junior Digital Media Journalism major Katelyn Meeks and sophomore Digital Media Production major Joe Monteith for AUTV.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Holocaust Package AUTV

This video package was produced by DMP senior Will Currier, DMJ sophomore Lauren Gulden and DMP sophomore Rodney Adkins as a JDM 213 assignment for AUTV.

AUTV Goldberry Roasting package

This video package was produced by DMJ junior Brynn Meisse and DMP senior Kylie Van Dine for AUTV.