At the end of the semester’s sixth week, AU TV-20,
WRDL 88.9
The Collegian have been regularly producing quality programming and content
original to the AU campus and the Ashland County area.
And while the department has already produced a great amount
of content, there is even more scheduled for the remainder of the semester.
“We are really making the course content relevant to the
media outlets, and the students have really stepped up,” said
JDM Chair DavidMcCoy. “They’ve shown a lot of responsibility, and that will help them in their
professional careers.”
McCoy also said that JDM has created a nice balance between
studio productions and remote productions with its radio and television
So far this fall, the department has:
• Provide a stream of video content for the AU football
scoreboard at all home games.
• Live streamed the pep rally that took place before the
first home game of the season.
• AU TV-20 has produced three Eagle News Updates and two
Sports Updates so far this semester.
• WRDL FM has broadcast two home football games, with plans
to broadcast four more games, including Saturday night’s game against Malone in
Canton. All games can be heard live on 88.9 FM or on
• JDM and WRDL has also live streamed and broadcast two volleyball matches. The radio station will also broadcast tonight’s volleyball match
against Lake Superior State.
• WRDL has broadcast one soccer match this season.
• The Early Bird’s Word has been live from 7-9 a.m. on WRDL
Monday through Friday for the last three weeks. That amounts to 30 hours of
live, original programming focused on Ashland University and the Ashland
community. The Early Bird’s Word is the only local radio broadcasting in all of
Ashland County.
• The Collegian has produced five issues of its
award-winning newspaper, with six more planned for the fall semester.
In the coming weeks, look for more programming, including:
• AU TV-20 and JDM will livestream President Carlos
Campo’s inauguration on Oct. 16.
• AU TV-20 and JDM will also livestream the College of
Business and Economics’ Fashion Show, produced by Fashion Merchandising
• AU TV-20 will launch three new studio-based shows, including
Storyvault, a 60 Minutes-style show; Eagle’s Eye, a talk-show focused on the AU
campus; and The Main Street, a talk-show focused on the Ashland community. The
two latter shows will launch next week. Storyvault will launch at the end of
• Pre-Game, an urban R & B music show, will launch on
Saturday evening.
• WRDL will also be hosting the Second Annual Homecoming
Tailgate Party in front of Jack Miller Stadium on Oct. 17.