The students were joined by all five JDM faculty members — Dr. Gretchen Dworznik, Tim McCarty, Dr. David McCoy, Steve Suess and Matt Tullis — and operations manager John Skrada.
The evening was highlighted by the fact that AUTV-20 produced its first live programming since being launched last year. It was also the first live programming produced on campus since 2008. TV election coverage consisted of live hits at the top and bottom of the hour, starting at 9 p.m. and running through 11 p.m.

Bucheit said she was excited to see so many other students get excited about the programming.

The studio crew for the night consisted of Dr. Gretchen Dworznik's studio production class.

Dworznik said the students performed better than anyone could have hoped.
"The content was interesting, up-to-date, and we really felt like we offered the Ashland community something different and valuable," she said. "We are really excited to continue to do more live programming in the future. The experience was invaluable. The students had a great time and they learned, not only from us, but from each other as well."
In the WRDL 88.9 FM studio, several students were also working, broadcasting updated election totals from many of the same races. Many of those students were freshmen.

Senior design editor Tyler Remmel in the meantime worked his magic with the front page of the the newspaper. Remmel changed The Collegian's masthead to a red, white and blue, star-spangled design while also creating his own electoral map of the United States.
"Even though the premise was the same in that we were putting together an issue, it seemed much different than just a normal issue," Remmel said. "When a story is changing as potentially quickly as an election story is, I was making sure to always keep my eyes open to make sure that the visuals I'd planned for were the most effective way of telling the story."
Tullis, the Collegian adviser, he couldn't be happier with the election issue, or with any of the issues this semester.
"The staff is really doing an amazing job," he said. "There's not a college newspaper in Ohio that looks as good as ours, and our content is top notch too."
You can read the entire issue of The Collegian, in PDF form, here.
AUTV-20 LIVE Segment: