JDM produced the fall's first Eagle News Update for AUTV-20. Senior Radley Stahl produced and Rebecca Ribley and Kristen Yenny anchored.

Welcome to the online home of Ashland University's Journalism & Digital Media department; A BLOG CONVERGED!! Here you can keep up on the latest happenings inside AU's student-powered Print, Radio and TV media outlets, read The Collegian, watch videos, connect with fellow Eagles and much more! Keep it tuned right here for updates!
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
JDM professor convenes journalism panel
Matt Tullis, assistant professor of journalism and digital media, was asked by Creative Nonfiction literary magazine, to convene a virtual panel to discuss journalism as a form of creative writing. Over the summer, Tullis exchanged emails with Chris Jones, a writer at large for Esquire magazine; Thomas Lake, a senior writer for Sports Illustrated; and Ben Montgomery, an enterprise reporter at The Tampa Bay Times, discussing the subject. The piece will be published in a future issue of the nationally-distributed literary magazine.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
JDM TV Advisor nominated for Emmy
JDM Professor Tim McCarty received an Emmy nomination from the Lower Great Lakes Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences for his work on a 2010 documentary and musical concert show project shot in HD. The program featured the University of Akron’s Steel Drum Band and aired on
PBS 45/49 in February 2011.
The Hammer on Steel Trailer:
McCarty was nominated in the #60 Crafts: Director - Live or Live to Tape category and traveled to Indianapolis for the Emmy night gala held on the infield of the Indianapolis 500 racetrack in June. He did not win (he lost to an Ashland alum, Pat Murray '74, who directs the Cleveland Indians!) but as the saying goes, “He's proud to have been nominated!”
More JDM publishing news

Tuesday, September 11, 2012
JDM Professor publishes book review
Dr. Gretchen Dworznik, Assistant Professor of Digital Media was asked to review the book, Chronicling Trauma for the journal Journalism. The review appeared this
summer in volume 13, issue 6. Dworznik also made three separate presentations
at the Broadcast Educators Association conference in April. Her presentations
centered on aspects of teaching media in the new educational reality those
in higher education media organizations are facing.
AUTV-20 WRDL to produce high school and college football
AU (on STO!):
8/30, Indy @ AU
9/29, Lake Erie @ AU
11/10, Notre Dame (OH) @ AU
High School Football on AUTV-20:
8/24, Black River @ Western Reserve
8/31, Dover @ Ashland HS
9/7, Manchester @ Black River
9/14, South Central @ Western Reserve
9/21, W. Holmes @ Ashland HS
9/28, Mapleton @ New London
10/5, Western Reserve @ Crestview
10/12, Western Reserve @ New London
10/19, Norwayne @ Hillsdale
10/26, Western Reserve @ Mapleton
Look for games to rebroadcast on AUTV-20 several times a day during the following week after each game date!
Friday, September 7, 2012
JDM named a fully integrated journalism program
A New Jersey journalism instructor has listed Ashland
University’s Department of Journalism and Digital Media as one of 47 journalism
programs throughout the country that have fully-converged its print and
broadcast curriculum. JDM is also the only journalism program in Ohio that
received this distinction.
Dr. Mu Lin, an instructor in the Department of Communication at Georgian Court University in New Jersey, recently compiled a list of more than 500 colleges and universities from across the country that have journalism programs.
Lin looked at those programs to see how many of them had
converged their print and broadcast curriculums. In other words, do journalism
majors have to learn multimedia skills as part of their major? Lin identified 105 programs as
digital/multimedia programs, of which JDM was included.
"Naturally, the JDM faculty was thrilled when we read Dr. Lin's findings," department co-chair Tim McCarty said. "It confirmed what we already knew to be true from our research when we created our converged JDM curriculum in 2010. We need to help meet the challenges our students will face upon entering an ever-converging media world."
"Naturally, the JDM faculty was thrilled when we read Dr. Lin's findings," department co-chair Tim McCarty said. "It confirmed what we already knew to be true from our research when we created our converged JDM curriculum in 2010. We need to help meet the challenges our students will face upon entering an ever-converging media world."
Lin then broke the journalism programs into four groups:
those that are fully integrated, partly integrated, silos and electives only.
Fully integrated programs like at AU require all students to
take dedicated courses in digital/multimedia reporting, production and/or
dissemination, along with reporting and production courses for traditional
print and broadcast platforms. Partly integrated programs require their
students to take a multimedia reporting or production class, but then allow
those students to choose a concentration of print or broadcast. Silo programs require
their majors to choose a concentration that focuses on only one media platform.
Ashland’s JDM was the only program in Ohio listed in the
fully integrated category. Bowling Green State University was listed as partly
integrated, while Ohio University was listed in the silo group.
"Ashland's JDM program is indeed a leader in new media education regionally and nationally," McCarty said. "Our program is a model of rigorous academics reinforced by real-world experiential learning opportunities for 21st century journalists."
"Ashland's JDM program is indeed a leader in new media education regionally and nationally," McCarty said. "Our program is a model of rigorous academics reinforced by real-world experiential learning opportunities for 21st century journalists."
Click here to read more about Lin's research.
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